Thursday, March 27, 2014

Everlasting Joy

Our lives as Christians is marked by joy.  When we abide in God, we are deeply content as He fills us with joy as he delights in us, With his love he will calm all our fears and rejoice over us with joyful songs (Zephaniah 3:17). The hymn “Joyful, Joyful, we adore Thee,” written by Henry van Dyke is a beautiful hymn which expresses our feelings and desires of coming to know Christ and the promise of eternal life that promises everlasting joy.  We rejoice in the great love of God our Father and Christ our Brother as we celebrate the joy of being part of God’s family. 

As we journey through life when we encounter doubts, sins, sadness, and strife God gives us the strength to cope with them. Henry van Dyke said, “this is a hymn of trust and joy and hope.”  This is what Jesus is inviting his disciples as they go through their sorrow to learn to adore and praise God who will transform our pain and heartaches to a deep and everlasting joy. Psalm 22:26 says all who seek the Lord will praise him, they will rejoice and their hearts will fill with everlasting joy.

There is no guarantee our life will be free from external trials and tribulations on earth. The Holy Spirit our inward teacher of the truth convicts, comforts, renews and strengthens us everyday as He reminds us of eternal life (John 16:8-15, Philippians 3:21).  However is it not wonderful that whatever our circumstances God loves us and is always listening to all our prayers and petitions (John 16:23-24;27). Jesus came to tell the world that God loves us and wants to share this intimacy as a Father and Friend. Jesus  promises that if we remain in Him, we will have peace through grace and complete joy that can never be taken away from us (John 15:10-11). Happiness is short lived but joy is deep rooted and everlasting. Everlasting joy is what salvation brings to us who believe (Isaiah 61:10).

Soli Deo Gloria

Holy Spirit, Truth Divine

Holy Spirit, Truth divine, dawn upon this soul of mine. Voice of God, and inward Light, wake my spirit, clear my sight. Exploring the Dep...