Monday, February 18, 2013

Salt of the Earth

Salt of the Earth

“You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot." Matthew 5:13

Jesus uses salt as a metaphor, and says when it loses its saltiness it is no longer good or useful and has to be thrown away.  What does Jesus mean when he says that we are the salt of the earth? Some of the characteristics of salt that come to my mind are that it is a preservative, pure white in color and adds flavor.

In a world where standards are constantly being lowered until a crisis occurs, what are our standards of honesty, diligence, and morality? Are they low, high or not there at all? The world (earth) is always in a state of unrest. Most countries have appropriate regulations, although on some occasions poor regulations have lead to disastrous consequences. Some of the most powerful nations today stagger under financial problems, and many smaller countries are plagued not just with financial problems but also with corruption and disease. 

Salt helps to preserve substances from corruption. We are called to be a people who enable others to lead better lives free from corrupting influences. Our transparent lives will let the light of Christ shine through our words and deeds. Salt is a powerful agent that works within the substance that it is in (Hebrews 4:12). When we see others as Christ sees them our words and deeds will encourage others to be imitators of Christ. God's word laid in the hearts and minds of those we meet with (Colossians 4:6), will be a positive influence on their thoughts and attitudes. As the Ancient Hymn goes, we should ”thank God with our hearts and hands and voices, so that the world may rejoice for the wonderous things God has done.”

Van Gogh was staying in an institution for the mentally ill when he painted this work, in May 1890. It is a mirrored copy of Eugène Delacroix' Good Samaritan

As followers of Christ we are called to look at our levels of enthusiasm. Enthusiasm is word that was derived from the Greek word ἐνθουσιασμός (enthousiasmos), which means "be inspired," or possessed by God. It also means to be in God. In the parable of the good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37) , Jesus applauded the attitude of the good Samaritan who compassionately cared for a wounded traveler on the road. Today if you see a person in need do you look away because he/she is not part of your race, social class or religion? Or are we like the priest who is overzealous about his faith, but does not feel the need to help the wounded man on the road?

Jesus asked the experts in law “Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?” The expert in the law replied, “The one who had mercy on him.” Jesus told him, “Go and do likewise." 

Poem from "The Salt Of The Earth" Hattie Howard

"If ever this world from corruption is free,
And righteousness reign in the kingdom to be,
Like salt in its simple and soluble way
Infusing malodor, preventing decay.
So human endeavor in action sublime
Must never relax till the finale of time."  

Oh Lord we pray our lives be the salt of the earth 
May we taste and see God’s goodness everyday of our lives
May we stir a pinch of Gods flavor in everything we say
May we blend the essence of Jesus love within our friends and family
May our lives be a fragrant offering of love to our God the Father


monisha said...

Just a small pinch of salt can make a huge difference to the taste of a dish - and the lack of that pinch also has a big impact.

Mani said...

Yes may God be our guide as to know when is the right time to add the salt, so that many can benefit from it in a tasteful manner.

Vasu Vittal said...

SALT,,,compound of 2 toxic chemicals.....sodium and chloride....possibly metaphoric in the allusion of how God takes us Human's - toxic and then redeems us through the cross to nullify the poisonous to the contra of flavor, preservation and vital in LIFE...So me thinks...What say?

Mani said...

46 What comes first is the natural body, then the spiritual body comes later. 47 Adam, the first man, was made from the dust of the earth, while Christ, the second man, came from heaven.
1 Corinthians 15:46-47 (NLT)
Jesus rose from the dead, so he is the life giving spirit. Our old way of life made us toxic (corruptible) but in Christ he had redeemed us and made us one with him (incorruptible) so that we can share his vision, mission and life today and forever.

TBP said...

Even salt can lose it's saltiness. It's neither toxic or salty when this happens. It's simply useless. May God bless us abundantly and maintain or saltiness through His grace.

Mani said...

It could be Jesus was being rhetorical!

Mani said...

It always amazes me how the ocean and seas never loose their salinity. It is because there are processes in place that lets it keep its salinity. In the same way we should have processes in our lives that helps us retain the salinity in our lives.

RBP said...

Salt can be used as a fertilizer and Jesus may have referred to it being a fertilizer also.

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