Sunday, May 08, 2005

Broken Spirit

The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise. (Psalm 51:17) 

 Today there are millions of people who have no healthcare and are living in abject poverty. They don’t know where their next meal will come from. They are abused and live in lands torn by famine, war, disease, disasters, and debt. More than 100 million children go without primary education and are still subject to child labor. Let us pray that world organizations such as UN, UNICEF, World Vision, World Relief, Tear Fund, and others may carry out their mission for the downtrodden. Let us pray for the downtrodden that they might find the right people, resources, and above all meet Christ who makes us whole. Jesus said, "I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly."

1. Forgive us when we forget your people 
Wander in wicked ways 
Lord teach us to be charitable 
Pray for the downtrodden every day 

 Jesu it is your face we seek 
Heal your children today 

 2.Those with minds double 
And the proud you cast away 
You give grace to the humble 
So your scriptures say 

 Jesu it is your face we seek 
Heal your children today 

 3.There are many who tremble 
When they encounter disease, disaster and debt on their way 
Make them strong and gentle 
As their hearts yearn for you always 

 Jesu it is your face we seek 
Heal your children today 

 4. Our passions and pleasures make us stumble 
Malice, envy, and hatred draw us away 
Renew us to be faithful and peaceful 
Fill our hearts with compassion we pray 

 Jesu it is your face we seek 
Heal your children today 

 5. Laws make us quarrel 
Foolish controversies hold us in sway 
Devote our hearts to the poor and feeble 
Renew us with your Holy Spirit each day 

 Jesu it is your face we seek 
Heal your children today 

 6. Lord have mercy on us as we struggle 
It is our broken spirit we display 
We come to you like cripples 
Make us whole we pray 

 Jesu it is your face we seek 
Heal your children today


Jenni said...

Thanks for bringing awareness to what is going on in the world.

And thank you for stopping by my blog. May God bless the work of your hands and words.

Anonymous said...

Jesus's face on the cross reflects broken spirit of, wicked, proud, disease, disaster, debt, malice, envy, hatred,laws causing quarrels. Forgive us and save us.

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