Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Living in Unity

Walking Worthy

Unity in Diversity

Insights from Ephesians 4:1-16 

The Book of Ephesians offers profound insights into the nature of the Church and the Christian life. In Ephesians 4:1-16, the Apostle Paul transitions from theological teaching to practical exhortation, urging believers to live in a manner worthy of their calling. This passage serves as a roadmap for unity and maturity within the body of Christ, emphasizing the importance of spiritual gifts, growth, and love. Paul begins with a personal plea, urging believers to embrace their collective calling to live out God's purpose in unity. The passage highlights the balance between being childlike in faith—exhibiting trust and humility—and maturing in understanding and responsibility. It explores how unity is rooted in God’s nature, enriched by diverse spiritual gifts, and sustained through love, ultimately calling believers to grow together into the fullness of Christ.

Walking Worthy of Our Calling

Paul begins with a personal plea: "As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received" (Ephesians 4:1, NIV). The imagery of being a prisoner highlights the seriousness of his appeal. Our calling as Christians is not just a matter of personal salvation but a collective invitation to live out God's purpose in unity with others.

C.S. Lewis writes, "The Church exists for nothing else but to draw men into Christ, to make them little Christs. If they are not doing that, all the cathedrals, clergy, missions, sermons... are simply a waste of time. God became Man for no other purpose" (Mere Christianity). Lewis emphasizes that our calling is centered on becoming like Christ, which naturally leads to unity.

Living a life worthy of our calling means embodying the character and mission of Christ. It is through becoming "little Christs" that we foster true unity within the Church, as our collective purpose is aligned with God's will. Our personal transformation and commitment to Christlikeness directly contribute to the health and unity of the entire body of believers.

The Call to Unity - Inward-Outward-Upward-Onward

Verses 2-3 stress the attitudes necessary for unity: humility, gentleness, patience, and love. These virtues enable believers to "make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace" (Ephesians 4:3). Unity is not merely an abstract ideal but a practical reality sustained by intentional effort and reliance on the Holy Spirit. Paul emphasizes the theological basis for unity in verses 4-6, listing seven elements that bind believers together: one body, one Spirit, one hope, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, and one God and Father. These affirmations remind us that our unity is rooted in the very nature of God and the core tenets of our faith. 

This understanding of unity as both a reflection of our divine identity and a work of the Holy Spirit helps frame our approach to fostering peace and harmony within the Church. It calls us to actively cultivate these attitudes while relying on the Spirit to maintain the bond of peace.

William Barclay comments, "Christian peace is not the absence of trouble. It is the presence of God." In his commentary on Ephesians, Barclay explains that true unity is not the absence of conflict but the presence of peace brought by the Spirit of God. This perspective reminds us that unity does not mean a lack of challenges or disagreements, but rather a shared commitment to maintain peace through God's presence.

Eugene Peterson, in The Message, paraphrases Ephesians 4:4-6 as "You were all called to travel on the same road and in the same direction, so stay together, both outwardly and inwardly." Peterson highlights the intentional effort required to maintain unity among believers. This calls us to actively work towards harmony, recognizing that unity is both an internal attitude and an outward expression of our shared journey in Christ.

John Calvin observes, “No man is fit to be reckoned among the children of God, who is not one of the brethren, who does not in a sense of duty cultivate peace and love, who does not endeavor to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.” Calvin underscores that unity is intrinsic to our identity as God's children. It is not merely a desirable trait but a reflection of our shared commitment to living out God's peace and love.

Adam Clarke adds, “This unity is maintained only by the Spirit of God; it cannot be preserved by any human means or power.” Clarke highlights that true unity is a divine gift rather than a product of human effort. It is the Holy Spirit who sustains and nurtures unity among believers, reminding us that our efforts alone are insufficient without divine support.

The call to unity involves both the cultivation of Christ-like virtues and the deliberate effort to live in peace with one another. It is through humility, gentleness, patience, and love that we can truly embody the unity that Paul envisions, fostering a community where God's presence and peace prevail. The inward transformation of our character, the outward pursuit of peace with others, the upward connection to God's nature, and the onward commitment to the Holy Spirit's work all paint a picture of unity that is dynamic and holistic that Paul calls us to embody. It is not a passive state but an active, living reality shaped by our relationship with God and one another. This approach challenges us to see unity as a lifelong journey, one that continually draws us deeper into God's presence and into loving community with others.

Diversity of Gifts

While unity is crucial, Paul also acknowledges diversity within the body of Christ. In verses 7-11, he explains that grace has been given to each believer according to the measure of Christ’s gift. This diversity of gifts is not meant to create division but to enrich the Church. Paul mentions specific roles such as apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers, which are given "to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up" (Ephesians 4:12).

Richard Foster writes, "Spiritual gifts are not toys to play with. They are tools to build with, and if they are not used in love, they become weapons to fight with" (Celebration of Discipline). Foster underscores that the purpose of spiritual gifts is to serve and build up the Church, promoting unity rather than division. This perspective highlights the critical role of love in using our gifts, ensuring they foster cooperation and growth rather than conflict and fragmentation.

Matthew Henry notes in his commentary, "The diversity of gifts comes from the same Spirit, and for the common good. This diversity contributes to the greater good of the whole, making it more perfect and complete." Henry emphasizes that the diversity of gifts is essential for the Church's health and growth. Each unique gift, when utilized for the common good, complements the others, leading to a more robust and unified body of Christ.

Reflecting on these insights, we see that the diversity of gifts within the Church is a divine design meant to enhance unity and strength. When spiritual gifts are exercised in love and for the common good, they contribute to the overall health and maturity of the Church. This diversity, grounded in the same Spirit, enriches the community, making it more complete and effective in fulfilling God's purpose. 

Diversity reveals that the varied gifts within the Church are designed to work in harmony, enhancing the Church's mission and promoting unity. Each member’s contribution is vital to the body’s overall health and effectiveness.

Growing to Maturity

The ultimate goal of this diversity and unity is maturity. Paul envisions a Church that reaches "unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ" (Ephesians 4:13). Maturity involves stability in doctrine, discernment, and a commitment to truth spoken in love. This maturity is not an individual pursuit but a corporate experience as each member contributes to the growth of the whole body.

John Wesley emphasizes, "There is no holiness without social holiness. There is no religion but social religion." Wesley stresses that maturity in Christ is not a solitary pursuit but a communal journey. Holiness, according to Wesley, is inherently social, reflecting Christ's love and holiness in our interactions with others. This means that our spiritual growth is intertwined with our relationships and responsibilities within the Church community.

Reflecting on the theme of growing to maturity, we see that true maturity in the Christian faith involves a collective journey towards Christlikeness. It requires believers to take responsibility not only for their personal spiritual growth but also for the growth and well-being of others. This communal pursuit of maturity leads to a deeper unity within the Church, as each member supports and builds up one another, striving together to reflect the fullness of Christ.

Spiritual maturity is a dynamic and holistic process. It requires both doctrinal clarity and relational depth, aiming for a Christlike love that binds the Church together and propels it toward its full potential.

Love as the Binding Force

Paul concludes this section by returning to the theme of love, the driving force behind true unity and maturity. "From him, the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work" (Ephesians 4:16). Love is the adhesive that holds the body of Christ together, enabling it to function effectively and reflect God's glory to the world.

C.S. Lewis reminds us, "Love is not affectionate feeling, but a steady wish for the loved person's ultimate good as far as it can be obtained." This understanding of love aligns with Paul's exhortation to build each other up in love, seeking the ultimate good of others. Lewis's perspective emphasizes that love is an active, enduring commitment to the well-being of others, transcending mere emotions to become a steadfast pursuit of their highest good.

Eugene Peterson describes love as "the warp and woof of life in Christ." In his writings, Peterson underscores that love is the essential fabric that holds the Church together, enabling it to function as the body of Christ. This metaphor illustrates that love is interwoven into every aspect of our Christian life, providing the strength and cohesion necessary for the Church to operate effectively and harmoniously. unity and maturity within the Church.

Matthew Henry writes, “Love is the cement which holds the stones of the spiritual building together. Without this, all will be disjointed.” Henry emphasizes that love is the critical element that binds the diverse parts of the Church into a cohesive whole. Without love, the various members of the Church remain disconnected, undermining the unity and effectiveness of the body.

Albert Barnes adds, “Nothing will so promote the growth and edification of the church as love. The church is united in the spirit of love, and the love of Christ constrains us.” Barnes highlights that love is not just a binding force but also a driving force for growth and edification. It’s through the love of Christ that the Church is motivated and empowered to grow and build itself up in unity and purpose.

Love is indispensable for maintaining the Church’s unity and fostering its growth. It’s the deep, abiding love that connects members and ensures the body functions effectively as a unified whole, reflecting Christ’s love in all aspects of Church life.

Reflecting on the theme of love as the binding force, we see that love is the essential element that unites and matures the Church. It is not simply a feeling but a profound commitment to the welfare of others, a foundational principle that sustains and builds up the body of Christ. In embodying this love, we fulfill the calling to live out our faith in a way that reflects Christ's own love and sacrifice, ensuring that the Church grows in unity and purpose.


Ephesians 4:1-16 challenges us to embrace both unity and diversity within the Church. As we walk worthy of our calling, we must cultivate attitudes that foster unity, recognize and celebrate the diversity of gifts, and strive toward spiritual maturity. In doing so, we become a living testimony of God's grace, reflecting the fullness of Christ in our communities and beyond. Love serves as the essential binding force that unites and matures the Church, ensuring that our faith is not just a personal journey but a communal endeavor. Through our collective efforts, we can reflect Christ’s love and grace to the world, becoming a vibrant and effective Church that glorifies God in all things. May we, as the body of Christ, grow together in love, unity, and purpose, fulfilling the calling God has placed upon us.

Soli Deo Gloria

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