Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Victory Through the Son of Man

A Reflection on Daniel 7 and 8

The visions in Daniel 7 and 8 offer profound insight into God’s sovereignty over history, the ultimate triumph of Jesus Christ, and the eternal hope for God’s people. As Daniel watched kingdoms rise and fall in his dreams, he also saw a vision of the “Son of Man,” who would reign forever. This prophecy, rich in symbolism and meaning, continues to inspire and comfort believers today.

Here, we reflect on these chapters with insights from great Christian thinkers and theologians, shedding light on the spiritual and historical significance of Daniel’s visions.

God’s Sovereignty in History

Daniel’s visions remind us that God is in control of the rise and fall of earthly kingdoms:

The Four Beasts (Daniel 7:2-7): Represent the Babylonian, Medo-Persian, Greek, and Roman empires, showcasing the transient nature of human power. Eugene Peterson notes that these beasts symbolize “chaos and opposition to God,” but their power is fleeting before the Ancient of Days.

The Little Horn (Daniel 7:8, 19-22): A figure of arrogance and blasphemy, waging war against God’s people. Charles Spurgeon reminds us, “Though the enemy may rage, the throne of God is not shaken.”This foreshadows the spiritual battles that believers face daily (Ephesians 6:10-12).

God, the “Ancient of Days,” presides over all. His throne, described with fire and glory (Daniel 7:9-10), emphasizes His perfect justice and eternal reign. John Calvin wrote, “God’s sovereignty is a comfort for His people, for it assures us that nothing happens without His wise permission.

The Victory of the Son of Man

Central to Daniel’s vision is the appearance of the “Son of Man”:

“One like a son of man, coming with the clouds of heaven… He was given authority, glory, and sovereign power” (Daniel 7:11-14).

This figure is divine yet human, given an everlasting dominion that will never be destroyed. Jesus Christ embraced this title, using it to describe himself over eighty times in the Gospels. It reflects both his humanity (identifying with us in our suffering) and his divinity (his authority to reign eternally).

The Triumph of God’s People

Daniel’s vision also offers hope for believers:

Evil will be destroyed: “The beast was slain and its body destroyed” (Daniel 7:11-14). This victory was secured through Jesus’ death and resurrection (Hebrews 2:14-15).

God’s people will reign with Him: “The kingdom will be handed over to the saints of the Most High, and their rule will last forever” (Daniel 7:26-27).

This promise reminds us that we are not just spectators in God’s plan; we are co-heirs with Christ (Romans 8:15-17). The victory of the Son of Man is also the victory of His people.

Central to Daniel’s vision is the “Son of Man,” who is “given authority, glory, and sovereign power” (Daniel 7:11-14). This figure, divine yet human, points directly to Jesus Christ:

N.T. Wright explains, “The title ‘Son of Man’ is a deliberate reflection of Daniel’s vision, emphasizing Jesus’ identity as the one who will bring God’s rule to earth.”

C.S. Lewis reflects, “The Son of Man is not simply a title; it is an invitation to know the one who reigns with humility and authority.”

Jesus spoke of himself as the “Son of Man” who would:

Jesus embraced this title, using it to describe Himself over eighty times in the Gospels. It speaks to His mission:

1. Humanity : “The Son of Man came… to give his life as a ransom for many” (Mark 10:41-45).He identifies with us, suffering and dying for our sins. Henri Nouwen wrote, “The Son of Man became vulnerable so that we might become whole.”

2. Divinity: “They will see the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory” (Mark 13:26-27).He has the authority to judge and reign eternally. Timothy Keller reminds us, “The Son of Man shows us a King who rules not by crushing us, but by being crushed for us.”

Daniel’s vision assures believers of God’s ultimate victory:

“The beast was slain, and its body destroyed” (Daniel 7:11). David Guzik writes, “This is a powerful reminder that the enemies of God’s people are not eternal; their time is limited.

“The kingdom will be handed over to the saints of the Most High” (Daniel 7:27). William Barclay notes, “Believers are not merely observers of God’s kingdom; they are participants and co-heirs with Christ.

This promise of victory is not just future but present. Rick Warren encourages believers, “Through Christ, we fight from victory, not for victory.”

Hope for Today: Living in Light of Victory

Daniel 7 and 8 encourage us to:

1. Write Down What God Reveals: Daniel wrote down the substance of his dreams (Daniel 7:1). we should capture and reflect on what God speaks to us through His Word and Spirit. Dallas Willard advises, “Journaling our walk with God helps us to see His faithfulness over time.”

2. Stand Firm in Spiritual Warfare: Like the little horn warring against God’s people, spiritual battles are real. Yet, Jesus has already secured the ultimate victory (Ephesians 6:10-18).Derek Prince reminds us, “The weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God.”

3. Live in Hope of His Return: The Son of Man will come again with the clouds of heaven, ushering in the eternal kingdom of God (Matthew 24:30-31). Let this hope inspire you to remain faithful and courageous.John Stott wrote, “The return of Christ is the great unifying hope of the church.”

Supporting Scriptures

Victory over Evil: “The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil’s work” (1 John 3:8).

Jesus’ Authority: “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me” (Matthew 28:18).

Eternal Kingdom: “The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever” (Revelation 11:15).

Supporting Voices on the Eternal Kingdom

Matthew Henry: “The eternal kingdom of the Son of Man is the inheritance of the saints. No earthly power can take it away.

Alexander Maclaren: “Christ’s kingdom is not one of oppression but one of love, joy, and peace.

Patrick Miller: “Daniel’s visions are a call to faithfulness in the face of opposition, trusting in the ultimate triumph of God.

Richard Foster: “The victory of the Son of Man shows us that spiritual disciplines prepare us to live in the fullness of His kingdom.”


The visions in Daniel 7 and 8 remind us that no matter how dark the world may seem, God’s victory is certain. The “Son of Man,” Jesus Christ, has triumphed over sin and death. His kingdom is eternal, and His reign will never end.

Through His life, death, and resurrection, Jesus has made us more than conquerors (Romans 8:37). His victory is your victory. His life is your hope. His kingdom is your inheritance. Let this truth fill you with courage, faith, and the joy of knowing that you belong to the victorious King.

As Martin Lloyd-Jones wrote, “We are not living in defeat but in triumph, for Christ has overcome the world.”  One day, Jesus will return “with the clouds of heaven” (Daniel 7:13), and His victory will be complete. Let this truth fill you with hope and courage, knowing that one day, the Son of Man will return to establish His eternal kingdom. Until that day, live in the assurance that the battle is won, and the Son of Man reigns forever.

Soli Deo Gloria

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