Tuesday, March 26, 2013


The Parable of the Tenants 

Matthew 21:42 Jesus said to them, "Have you never read in the Scriptures: "'The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone; the Lord has done this, and it is marvelous in our eyes'?

In his last and final days in Jerusalem after his triumphant entry, Jesus spoke to the people and Jewish Leaders about the parable of the tenants. In this parable the Land Lord leases his vineyard to tenants and left for a different country. When he sent his servants for his share of the fruits, they were beaten and sent away empty. So he sends his only son, but they kill him.  Will not the wrath of the Landlord come down crushingly on the tenants? Jesus was clearly prophesying about his coming death, this made the Jewish Leaders, furious and want to do away with him. 

One of the quotations about the corner stone that Jesus is referring to is found in the Old Testament where David (Psalm 118:22) says the stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone. It was applicable to David who was rejected by King Saul, who later was the one on whom the nation of Israel was built. The day David was put on the throne was the dawn of a new era for the nation of Israel (Luke 1:32-33).

The cornerstone is an essential and indispensible part of a building. Jesus life, death and resurrection are the cornerstone, on which the church is built. The teachings and lives of the prophets and apostles are the foundation of the building (Ephesians 2:20) with Christ who is the cornerstone.

Christ quoted the same words when the shadow of the cross was looming large in Jerusalem. He was prophesying that he was going to be humiliated and rejected. Following his resurrection God was going to exalt him make him the corner stone on which God would build. The stone, which the builders thought as unfit, was to become the principal stone of the whole church. It is here where God has laid the foundation for all our hopes, and joys.

The amazing power of this corner stone is that those of us who trust on the corner stone to be their strength and foundation will never regret it. They will be broken and made into living stones being built up brick by brick, stone by stone, to be part of the sanctuary (Spiritual home). They are the building material he uses to build the church as we are fastened and fitted together in love to be the house of God. He chips and breaks of the unwanted parts of our lives, and makes us into faithful stewards of his word. God himself is the architect and builder where every one has a place to be part of church. But to those who are untrusting, they will be crushed as predicted because they refuse to obey.

Today what is the power that strengthens the church and holds it up together? The world and many of the nations continue to be torn apart by War, Terrorism, Overpopulation, Hunger and Economic collapse. Above all ethnic, racial, and cultural divides within countries divide and create hostility and hatred. People are living under tremendous pressure and burdens that are overwhelming. They are heartbroken, depressed and lonely.

It was to a similar world that Jesus came. The Romans were ruling over Israel. There was a big divide between Jews and Gentiles. All the problems the world faces today were there in varying forms. But the only difference being today we have our lives that can be centered on Christ who is our cornerstone, that anchors our lives and cements us with love, peace and goodwill toward all people.

At this time of lent let us draw near to God’s throne of mercy and find hope and grace to help us in our time of need to live in unity (Hebrews 4:16). Is there anybody you have a prejudice toward? Is there anybody you are not reconciled to? We all are centered on Christ who is our cornerstone. Without Christ we would all just crumble and be crushed. It is Christ who fills us and sustains us with all joy and peace. By the power of the Holy Spirit we continue to overflow in hope (Romans 15:13). Let us live as a people who believe in the God of hope who died for the sins of us all. Let us continue to pray for renewal and change.


Anna said...

You are so right about prejudices being as rampant today as in the time of Jesus. In every corner of the world people are discriminated against for different reasons. Many of these prejudices are an inherent part of our cultures and very difficult to ignore because we grow up with them. It takes a lot of courage to take a stand against the tide!

RBP said...

t is encouragement for someone who feels rejected or dejected. People may reject you, but still you are precious to God and he has a plan for your life.

Similar to the story of David who was thought of no worth, but on whom God built the Kingdom of Israel.

Samuel says, "And thine house and thy kingdom shall be established for ever before thee: thy throne shall be established for ever." 2 Samuel 7:16'"

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