Thursday, May 16, 2013

Fresh Air and Fresh Ideas

Fresh Air and Fresh Thoughts

Jesus said, “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” Luke 11:9

Prayer is one of the most refreshing ways to get to know God and to meditate on his Word. Prayer as a practice has been at the heart of Christian life over the centuries for all people young and old. Jesus assures us that when we come to him in prayer, he is there for us interceding with the Father for our needs. We are all human and at some point in time we all grow tired and wearied of the way we have to keep doing certain things that we really don’t want to do at all. What do we do when we are at our wits end? In Isaiah 40:29-31, he says even though we may grow weak, God is omnipotent and is a fountain of power and strength. God is always willing to listen to all our fears and concerns, and he renews us with new strength.

 Meditation is one of the most common practices among all faiths in the world today. It is beginning to make a big comeback in the world today, along side Yoga which is another booming wellness industry. In the US from 2012 to 2017 it is estimated the use of meditation increased threefold from 4.1% in 2012 to 14.2% in 2017  while the use of yoga only increased from 9.5% to 14.3%. 

Mindfulness from the little I have read and heard is a type of meditation used by Buddhist monks for more than 2600 years, that helps one break away from the cycle of anxiety, stress, and exhaustion. Today many celebrities propagate mindfulness as an essential part of their lives to stay healthy. It advocates finding everyday 20 minutes out of ones busy schedules to erase all thoughts from the mind and be conscious of one self. To objectively look at the positive and negative thoughts that come to our minds. To identify and let go of the negative thoughts that makes us feel depressed, stressed or irritable. Mindfulness helps to engage with the world without the negative thoughts. It is an exercise rooted in just ourselves and our lives. Mindfulness falls far short of what we have with our life in the Lord. Prayer transcends ourselves and is rooted in God and the Word of God. Our lives begin and is constantly being renewed in Him.

The Lord satisfies me with good things and makes me young again, like the eagle.
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭103:5‬  

Davids praise is on all the good things that God is doing in his life. Often we get carried away with all that is wrong with our lives. But as we pray and meditate on Psalm 103:1-5, we see that we have so much that we can be thankful for. David says God is gracious, however far we have wandered away from Him, he will forgive all our sins. He assures us that God loves us and wants the best for us. He also hopes for the day when all suffering and disease will be removed. Above all he encourages us to count our blessings over the years and to praise God wholeheartedly. This act of prayer and praise renews and refreshes us.

Prayer over the centuries brings fresh insight and assurance of God's presence in our lives. Jesus speaks of the Holy Spirit being a counselor who will be with us (John 14:16-17), help, encourage, comfort, and strengthen us in our daily lives. Paul says in Romans 8:26 the Holy Spirit will help us in our weaknesses and pray and intercede on our behalf. The Holy Spirit helps us to refocus our hearts and bring our minds to think of what we need to do and how we will do it. We become more passionate about what needs to be done. Prayer done habitually enables us to refresh our hearts and minds. It also unlocks our hearts and minds to fresh ideas and new ways of doing things. Meditation and Prayer done on a daily basis both privately and with one's family is an effective way of refocusing our lives from a very self-centered life to a God centered life. 

Our Lord is great and very powerful. There is no limit to what he knows. Psalms‬ ‭147:5‬ ‭

Let our Roots of Love go deep down within Jesus Let our Roots of Faith stand firm on His Word Let our Roots of Sacrifice grow strong in Love Let our Lives be watered by The Truth Let our Prayers Nurture our love for The Life Bearing beautiful fruits of gratitude on The Way Amen


RBP said...

Prayer is my life line. You can pray at all times. Times of joy and Times of sorrow.
Prayer is a conversation with a friend as you go on life's way. Sometimes I ask God silly questions and doubts. Very often my prayers are hymns that I listen and sing to. Before I go to sleep I repeat the Jesus prayer.

Unknown said...

Prayer always bringse closer to the Lord

mbromeo said...

I developed an app. It's called Thank You Jesus! It's based on Daniel 6:10 . I had a broken heart and God told me to pray for the man who broke my heart. I set alarms on my phone to pray 3 x a day. I started 3 1/2 years ago and haven't stop. I created the app to get an Acts2 Virtual room where 3 x a day we pray together by setting alarms. It's called the Thank You Jesus Project. Come and join the project and see where and what God will do when we constitantly meet together 3 x a day.The app has a Bible, concordance, both Greek and Hebrew Bible, prayer request tab,share on Twitter and FB. Join the Project today

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