Monday, February 24, 2014

Everlasting Light

Your sun shall no more go down, 

Nor your moon withdraw itself; 

For the LORD will be your Everlasting Light, 

And your Days of Mourning shall be ended. 

Isaiah 60:20

As we look to day of the Lord’s coming Isaiah says on that day the sun will no longer be our light by day but the Lord will be our everlasting light. St. John in Revelation (Rev 21:23) says the glory of the light of our Lord will be the everlasting light of the New Jerusalem. The old order of creation yields to the new (2 Corinthians 5:17) says St. Paul as we are united with Christ by faith and baptism but on that day we will be totally changed in all ways to be in union with Christ Jesus our Lord.

There shall be no more mourning St John prophesies in Revelation (Rev 21:4) because on that day as Isaiah prophesies death will be swallowed up (Isaiah 25:8) and Christ will dwell with all the people of the world.  No longer will we sense the presence of God sometimes but we will live in the presence of God forever. The Hebrew word for “glory” is “shekhinah” which refers to a dwelling or settling of the divine presence of God among his chosen people. We will all be recreated to live in divine fellowship with Christ and his new creation with the God being our everlasting light.

Soli Deo Gloria

1 comment:

Philip Ittyerah said...

The day we decide to depend totally on God, and not on anything around us, like the sun for our light by day, or the moon for our light by night, that day our struggles and sorrows would be ended. For God will provide us with all our needs. This is our call to have extreme faith in the provision of God. No more should we even think of a need of our own, because God knows our need before we ask and God will provide as necessary for us. Can we think of such a situation in our earthly life where we don't have any necessity of our own, and we don't pray God for fulfillment of that? Are we not satisfied with asking God for His Will to be done, without adding our additional needs? We are not satisfied with the provision of God for our light by day or night and we pray for a lot of things besides? Aren't we bothered about ending our days of mourning by leaving everything in our lives to God and God alone?

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