Saturday, July 01, 2023

Stay Awake, Stay Alert

A Reflection on Matthew 25:1-13

Therefore keep watch, 

because you do not know the day or the hour.

 - Matthew 25:13

In many cultures, the tradition of the bridegroom coming at night to claim his bride, accompanied by his friends, remains a cherished custom. Jesus utilized this tradition in one of His parables to illustrate a profound spiritual truth about His return. He compared the Kingdom of Heaven to the story of ten bridesmaids who eagerly awaited the bridegroom's arrival. Five of them were wise and brought extra oil for their lamps, while the other five were foolish and did not.

When the bridegroom finally arrived after a long delay, the five foolish bridesmaids, realizing their lamps were going out, begged the wise ones for oil. However, the wise bridesmaids could not share their oil, fearing it would not be enough for all. As a result, the foolish bridesmaids had to leave to buy more oil, missing the bridegroom's arrival. When they returned, the door was shut, and the bridegroom denied them entry, saying, "I do not know you."

A Relationship with Jesus

Jesus denied the unprepared bridesmaids entry into the celebration because He did not know them. This raises critical questions for each of us: Do you know Jesus? Do you have a personal relationship with Him? How deep is this relationship? Relationships are tested and strengthened in times of stress and hardship, and our relationship with Jesus is no different. It cannot be acquired, inherited, bought, or borrowed at the last minute.

The Kingdom of Heaven

When Jesus spoke of the Kingdom of Heaven, He referred to more than just a distant paradise. He spoke of heaven, earth, and the hearts of all believers. To be part of this kingdom, we must come to Jesus in repentance and humbly restore our hearts, which often stray from Him. The parable of the ten bridesmaids illustrates that it is not enough to merely anticipate Christ's return; we must be prepared for it.

Being Prepared

Jesus cautions us to be on alert, stay prepared, and remain awake. The wise bridesmaids were ready because they anticipated the possibility of delay and made provisions for it. Similarly, in our spiritual lives, we must be vigilant and proactive. Being prepared means nurturing our relationship with Jesus daily, seeking His guidance, and living according to His teachings.

The parable teaches us the importance of spiritual readiness and the consequences of neglect. The foolish bridesmaids missed out on the joy of the celebration because they were unprepared. In the same way, spiritual neglect can lead to missing out on the fullness of life that Jesus offers.


Reflecting on Matthew 25:13, we are reminded of the urgency to stay awake and be prepared. Our relationship with Jesus should be vibrant and active, built on faith, love, and obedience. As we await His return, let us be like the wise bridesmaids, ready and watchful, with hearts fully devoted to Him. By doing so, we ensure that we will be welcomed into the eternal celebration with our Bridegroom.

Soli Deo Gloria

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