Is there a loved one you dearly miss, with whom you remember sharing Holy Communion for the last time? Do you remember where it was? Do you remember how you felt at that time? How do you feel now remembering their death? Now can you imagine how Jesus would have felt when he shared the last supper with his disciples? Holy Communion on Maundy Thursday in particular is a time of remembrance of the death of Christ on the cross. Christ instructed us that participating in the last supper should be a time of spiritual blessing.
Jesus started the evening by washing the feet of his disciples. He showed the depth of his love by this act of kneeling at the feet of all his disciples and washing the dust off their feet. He showed that as a leader one must play the role of a servant who personally cares for the well being of one's family, friends and associates. Washing of feet was normally done by the servants in the house. But Jesus took off his robe, wrapped a towel around his waist, and washed the feet of his disciples. We see the extent of his humility - though he was God, he played the role of a servant to his disciples. One can only imagine the shock of his disciples and Peter the loud mouth even questioned Jesus.
Jesus said that this Blood that was being shed was for the forgiveness of many. He said that his shed blood would seal the covenant of God and the people. What made Jesus the sacrificial lamb that could seal this covenant? His life was one that was sinless and his sacrifice was pleasing to God. This new covenant that God sealed with the entire human race was in keeping with His plan for the whole world as opposed to the old covenant that was restricted to those of the Jewish faith.
During the last supper Jesus finally confronted Judas the betrayer. Here we see that Jesus, inspite of knowing this, did nothing to prevent Judas from completing the task that he had set out to perform. The plot to kill Jesus had permeated the inner circle of disciples where one of his own stepped out to betray him. One wonders whether Jesus had known that Judas would betray him, even as he invited Judas to be a disciple.
Jesus went on to say that all his disciples would desert him. When Peter heard this, he said that he would never forsake Jesus. But Jesus said that Peter would deny him three times before the cock crowed. He said that Satan would sift them like wheat and try to see if they were chaff. However Jesus assured them that He had already prayed that their faith should not fail them. He exhorted Peter to strengthen and build up his brothers and sisters after he had repented and turned back to Jesus.
Following the last supper Jesus went to an olive grove called Gethsemane with Peter, James and John. He was in deep anguish and told them to stay with him and pray. The disciples who had no idea what Jesus was going through fell fast asleep. Jesus prayed for the cup of suffering to be taken away, but his prayers went unanswered. God could see no other way but through the death of Jesus on the cross. Jesus's final words of prayer in the garden were "Your will be done". Even in the midst of his own distress Jesus continued to groom his disciples to stay alert in the face of danger. Our spirit may want us to do what is right, but our flesh may lead us away.
After his acceptance that this was the divine will of God, Jesus went to his three sleepy disciples and told them that the hour is at hand. He was ready to face his betrayal into the hands of sinners. When he saw Judas approaching with a mob armed with swords and spears he told them that there was no need for violence, for those who live by the sword die by the sword. If they really thought they could overpower him with swords, they were sadly mistaken; at his command 1000's of angels would protect him. This makes us realize that heaven has angels with not just harps and stringed instruments. What was happening was in fulfillment of the words of prophets as written in the scriptures and Jesus would not go against God's will.
What caused Judas to commit this heinous act? He was the only non-Galilean and was the treasurer of the group. He craved money, but 20 pieces of silver was a small sum. Did Judas have a political or militant agenda, believing that Christ was the King of the Jews? Did he hypothesize that if Jesus was led to the cross by the power of Holy Spirit, he might turn into the savior of the Jewish people, rescuing them from Roman dominion? Jesus's distress for Judas was evident when he said it would have been better if Judas had not been born. Judas preferred to hang himself rather than go back to the other disciples and plead for forgiveness. The remaining disciples, although they deserted Jesus in his hour of need, regrouped and eventually went on to play dominant roles in the spread of Christianity throughout the world.
We cannot begin to fathom how many, like Judas at that time, had heard the good news but whose lives Jesus could not touch and transform. Further we wonder whether if we had been alive at that time, would we have supported or joined the crowd who wanted Jesus crucified.
Prayer for Illumination - Heavenly Father, may your Word light the lamp in our hearts, that we may see clearly to walk through our path.Give us oil for our lamps, fill us with your love and peace, shower us with your grace, enlighten us with your truth. May our faith in you grow stronger with the passing of each day. May our lamps continue to burn and bring glory to Jesus's name. Amen
Friday, March 25, 2005
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Peter and Judas betrayed Jesus.Peter repented and reentered the fellowship.Judas isolated and destroyed himself.
It is never to late or no sin is unforgivable in the sight of God. It is indeed sad that Judas destroyed himself in such haste. Things done in secret will one day be exposed. Judas evil schemes and plans destroyed him. He followed Jesus for all the wrong reasons. We do not follow Christ to be rich, powerful, and famous today.
Peter and the other disciples realised that Christ wanted them to be his followers to serve his flock and feed his sheep. This enabled them to build Christ's kingdom on earth.
We need to seize our opportunity to light our lamps and keep them burning while we are alive. Christ warned us, "Once the Master returns to His house, the door will be shut forever."
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