Wednesday, March 23, 2005

People of Faith

What does faith mean? Faith is the assurance that God is in control. It does not rely on the wisdom of humans but on the power of God (1Corinthians 2:5). Faith is to hope when there is no hope at all. Faith is our actions as James says. Faith is belief without any doubts (Genesis 15:6). Faith is belief in the word of God. Faith is to be loyal and faithful to ones calling. Faith is to trust. Faith is our intention or desire to do what is right in God's eyes.

The founder of the Jewish nation, Abraham, is often referred to as a pioneer in faith in the living God. He was greatly respected for his wisdom, power and wealth. He was very considerate to the needs of his fellowmen. Above all he believed in the Living God and for his faith God regarded him to be righteous. Abraham was called to leave his country, family and house and go to the land God was going to show him. God promised to make him a blessing to all the families on earth. He was seventy five years old when he heard God's call and started on this journey of faith.

The instances when he lost faith in God, were when he tried to be practical. When he saw the power of Pharaoh he feared Pharaoh over God. Yet God protected him, and no harm came to him or his household. When he was 86 years old and still with no child Sarah coerced Abraham to bear a son through Hagar her servant. This was a decision that she lived to regret for the rest of her life. He continued to trust in God even though it did not seem possible for his beloved 90-year old wife Sarah to bear a child. Yet Abraham believed that God would give him a son. Isaac was finally born to the old couple. God further tested him by asking him to sacrifice his son. When Isaac asked Abraham where the sacrificial lamb was, Abraham confidently told him, "God will provide". This phrase has been on the lips of all men of faith who venture out into the unknown with nothing but their faith.

It was Abraham’s faith in God that he will fulfill the promise made to him when he was called to start his journey of faith that made him acceptable in God's eyes. Abraham lived in a time when there were many gods and idols and people lived lives that were not pleasing to God. It is from such a culture that God called Abraham to come out and be a separate nation. Two of the most important factors to faith is patience and endurance in adversity. We are called to imitate our fellowmen who through faith and patience inherited what was promised to them. Another very important factor that determined Abraham’s faith was the grace of God. As we see there were times when Abraham had doubts and fell away. But by the grace of God that was working within him, he was spurred on to the eventual fulfillment of God's promise.

The founder of the China Inland Mission was the son of James Taylor a Methodist preacher. James and Amelia Taylor had prayed fervently for a child, who would work as a missionary in China. Hudson Taylor who trained in theology and medicine started his mission work in China. Taylor in his early years desired passionately to be spiritually holy. He tried hard, but failed each time. Only later did he realize that he was holy by the Spirit of Christ that dwelt in him. St. Paul wrote in Galatians 2:20 that it was no longer him, but the Spirit of Christ that dwelt in him. The life he lived, he lived by faith in Christ who was crucified. Faith that Christ was always with him even when he failed gave him the confidence in the power of God that was working within him, making him holy in the sight of God. Taylor’s strong faith that God moves men through prayer enabled him to be a pioneer in Christian mission in China and to labor tirelessly to establish mission posts all over the country.

For Taylor life was not always easy. When he first started his mission work he was forced to return to England because of ill health. Though this seemed like a set back he used the time to complete his study in medicine, work on his Chinese translation of the New Testament and organize his China Inland Mission. Taylor returned to China with 22 missionaries. He was tested by fire when his daughter died, when his first wife died at child birth, when his second wife died of cancer, and when sicknesses continued to plague him constantly. Despite all the anguish and suffering he remained true to his calling, mobilized many missionaries to China and was responsible for the conversion of thousands to the Christian faith. His pioneering sacrificial work laid a strong foundation for the continued growth and preservation of the church even during the persecution of the communist regime. In 2 Corinthians 12:9 St. Paul wrote that the grace of Christ is sufficient, for his strength is made perfect in weakness. It was these words that made Taylor strong in his faith and stand firm on the promises of God.


Anonymous said...

Thank you lord, for people like Abraham, Sara, James, Amelia and Hudson Taylor. Help us to pray for the need we see. Forgive our impatience and the mistakes we make

Anonymous said...

Lord give us faith to hold on to the vision with patience and endurance so your will be done in our lives.

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