Saturday, April 06, 2013

Transformation and Restoration

How are the dead raised?

Some men will say, how are the dead raised up? and with what body do they come? 
1 Corinthians 15:35

Some of the mysteries in life are hard to understand even for the scientific mind. I am reminded of the old and familiar story of the famous scientist Michael Faraday who was trying to demonstrate the resurrection using the properties of silver.

One day he dropped a silver cup into a jar of acid. Instantaneously the cup started to disintegrate.  Then using certain chemicals he brought the silver back as a blob. Then sent the blob to a silversmith who restored it to another goblet of similar shape and size. He said that if man can do this to silver, he believed that God can do this with our earthly bodies, he will take our flaws and weaknesses and transform us into ones that are flawless and powerful, just like the one Christ had after his resurrection.

What happens to our bodies when we are buried? They return to the dust and become jumbled up in the earth. Paul goes on to explain that there are earthly bodies and heavenly bodies. Today we have natural bodies but one day we will have spiritual bodies. Just like Adam became a living being, Christ is the last Adam who became a life giving spirit.

There will always be many who doubt and object to the concept of the resurrection of the dead. But to those of us who believe, we affirm that in Christ all things are possible. Christ is the author and refiner of our faith. If anyone is in Christ he is a new creation.


Anna said...

Don't you think our new bodies will be different from our present ones? After all, they are going to last forever unlike the present ones. I think the imperfections of our present bodies will also be made perfect then.

RBP said...

God created us in his image. Gods image can never be destroyed. We will still have our earthly image. We do not loose our identity. What form and substance our body will be we do not know.
In the scriptures it says, at transfiguration Moses and Elijah were talking to Jesus. How did the disciples know it was Moses and Elijah? They certainly were not angels.
After his resurrection the disciples recognized Jesus as well after resurrection.

RBP said...

D .T . Niles views on death sent to M M Thomas on the passing of his wife.

God fills every vacant space in our lives when our loved ones pass beyond the veil the veil grows thin and we realize what the communion of saints really means to us. I have always felt most of us Christians need help on how to possess our loved ones even now in the worship and fellowship of the church which is a present reality beyond the resurrection. The reality of the resurrection of Christ the present and the future of that reality fill our lives. This is our ground of our faith and hope

RBP said...

If you abide with Christ you are with the people who are in Christ

Christus Consolator
Rossiter Worthington Raymond (1840–1918)

Beside the dead I knelt in prayer
And felt a presence as I prayed.
Lo, it was Jesus standing there;
He smiled: BE NOT AFRAID.

'Lord, Thou hast conquered death, we know.
Restore again to life', I said,
'This one who died an hour ago.'
He smiled: SHE IS NOT DEAD.

'Asleep, then as Thyself did say.
Yet Thou canst lift the lids that keep
Her prisoned eyes from ours away.'

'Nay, then, tho' haply she do wake
And look upon some fairer dawn,
Restore her to our hearts that ache.
He smiled: SHE IS NOT GONE.

'Alas, too well we know our loss,
Nor hope again to feel that breath
Till we ourselves the river cross.'

'Yet our beloved seems so far,
The while we yearn to see them near,
Albeit with Thee we trust they are.'
He smiled: AND I AM HERE.

'Dear Lord, how shall we know that they
Still walk unseen with us and Thee
Nor sleep and 'wander far away?'
He smiled: ABIDE IN ME.

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