Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Brotherly Love

Let Brotherly love flow Hebrews 13:1

And it came to pass, when he had made an end of speaking unto Saul, that the soul of Jonathan was knit with the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his own soul. 1 Samuel 18:1

Artist:  Completion Date: c.1507
Gallery: National Gallery, London, UK

What made David endearing to Jonathan? Was it his trust in God, simplicity of character, musical talent, or awesome courage? Jonathan the son of King Saul, heir apparent, when he met David saw the hand of God working greatly on him. He killed the giant Goliath who had shamed the entire nation of Israel by mocking them and challenging them to fight. He saw David as one who could kill the invincible Goliath in one blow, and as the one who could rule Israel even better than him. The experience with Goliath brought them together  David saw in Jonathan, one who was willing to surrender everything to him, because he had utmost good faith in his ability to defend the nation of Israel. It was God working in their hearts and minds that knit their souls together.

It was the ability of David and Jonathan to see the battle from God’s perspective. In their eyes there was nothing so giant in size that God could not handle. When David came to the King Sauls court victorious, David made Jonathan feel fully secure as his protector. This verse illustrates brotherly love Jonathan loves David as his own. We also see the hand of God working in David’s life later as his friendship with Jonathan protects him from the jealousy and wrath of Saul. 

In Proverbs 18:24 it says there are those who have unreliable friends and soon comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. This is one proverb that sums it all up when it comes to finding a friend who will be a lasting influence on our lives. The proverb asks what is the point in having unreliable friends who eventually brings us to ruin. The friend we should aspire for is the one who loves us deeper and greater than ourselves.

What is the use of having friends who take us away from the direction that the Lord wants us to go? Makes us do things that are detrimental to our health and future. Makes us destroy our character and image.

Our friends should be ones who encourage us to greater growth and better quality of life in our families and communities we live in. Help us break down those barriers which prevent us from realizing our full potential. Treat us as equals and have our best interests in our hearts.

Sometimes it is our own selves that makes us love our own things, and keeps us from loving one another. Our own pride or ego desires constant attention, fills us up with envy, makes us very impatient, and takes offence.

Do we find ourselves surrounded by those who want the best for our lives and future? Friendship should be considered as a plant that needs to be watered regularly to grow. Jesus said a tree is known by its fruits.

Artist:    Date:1516  

Let us not forget when Jesus died he entrusted his mother to his dearest friend (disciple) John (John 13:23). 

Do we see in Jesus a friend whom we can trust and rely on in our times of need? Whose image is seen on the tablets of our hearts? Whose reflection do we see in the mirror when we look at it? Do we see Christ molding us to reflect faith, hope and love in our lives? 

1 comment:

RBP said...

Jonathan recognized the courage, simple trust, and self sacrificing love of David. David had developed these qualities by looking after his sheep. Jonathan was able to understand David much better than Saul his father. Saul saw him as a threat but Jonathan saw him as a friend who loved God. A bond was formed between the two that made them join forces to serve in the building and preservation of the Kingdom of God on earth.
Only if we have the spirit of God inside us we can see God working through us. Here we see different kinds of personalities. Jonathan had princely qualities in him that he was able to recognize that David had leadership qualities to work for God. Even David's father did not see these qualities in David when the prophet Samuel came to anoint the next king of Israel.

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