Thursday, April 18, 2013

Love and Peace

No more hurting people

Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not love, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. 1 Corinthians 13:1

Monday was a terrifying and shocking day in Boston when the two bombs exploded one after another. As our thoughts and prayers went out to those who were injured, mine slowly but surely was drawn to the plight of the Richard family. Martin a little boy who was 8 years old died, his little sister 6 years old lost a leg and his mother suffered a brain injury. Victims of an act of terror and violence. 

President Obama affirmed in his broadcast this is an act of terror. In the photo above is Martin with a banner calling for love and peace. This has circulated all around the globe and deeply touched the hearts of countless people. A day considered as a day to celebrate and enjoy, in the blinking of an eye became one of devastation and tragedy. Here we saw the power of hatred and terror doing its ugly task of destruction.

What happened here was a tragedy and as we mourn with broken hearts we pray for peace and love to prevail. We should never forget that our God is love. It is only love that can overcome the hatred and violence in the world. Let us affirm with the words of Little Martin Richards, “No more hurting people – Love and Peace”.

St. John the Apostle of Jesus lived to about the age of a hundred. Towards the end of his life he was so weak that he could not walk into the church; so he used to be carried in, and would continually remind his fellow Christians, "Little children, love one another." Some of them, after a time, began to get tired of hearing this, and asked him why he repeated the words so often, and said nothing else to them. The Apostle answered, "Because it is the Lord's commandment, and if this be done it is enough."

Paul reminds us in 1 Corinthians we can say great things about God but if we have no love we become like a musical instrument (only sound but no heart). This is a time to examine our hearts to see the depth and height of our love for all people around the world.

Prayer :- Dear Lord search our hearts and minds and lead us along the way that leads to love for all people and peace all over the world. Teach us to show mercy, fight for justice, and build ways to peace. Amen


RBP said...

Only if we have the mind of Christ in us, can we win over hatred and anger. Christ gave a new commandment that said to love everybody just as I have loved you. If we learn to love empowered by the Holy Spirit we can become true witnesses, who can be a the most positive influences the world is in dire need of today.

TBP said...

This is such a sad story. These events continue around us every day. May Gods love and peace descend on us quickly.

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