Sunday, October 27, 2024

The Certainty of the Second Coming

Christian Hope Against Doubt

The Promises of Christ’s Return

The Assurance of Christian Hope and Faith

The Second Coming of Christ is a cornerstone of Christian faith, a future hope that Jesus will return to complete God’s promises, bringing justice, restoration, and eternal peace. Yet, for centuries, believers have faced skepticism, doubt, and various objections — from scientific reasoning to political and historical challenges. Despite these, the Christian hope remains firm, rooted in the promises and faithfulness of Christ.

The Certainty of the Second Coming: Christian Hope

In Scripture, the certainty of the Second Coming is affirmed repeatedly by Jesus Himself and by the apostles. Jesus promises, “And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself, that where I am, there you may be also” (John 14:3). This assurance is a grounding hope for Christians, a declaration that our faith is not in vain. N.T. Wright speaks to this by reminding us that Christian hope is not “wishful thinking or mere optimism” but is “based on the faithfulness of God’s promises.”

Jesus compares His return to the days of Noah (Matthew 24:37-39), emphasizing that just as people doubted until the flood came, so too will His return be unexpected by many. Just as Noah’s faith was demonstrated by acting on God’s word, so believers today are called to hold fast to the promise of Christ’s return, trusting that what He has said will come to pass, even amid opposition or doubt.

Objections to Christian Hope

1. Theological Objections: Some question the idea of the Second Coming as too fantastical or inconsistent with a modern understanding of God. Why would a loving God permit suffering and delay His return, they ask? Alexander Maclaren addresses this, explaining that the seeming delay is God’s grace, allowing time for people to repent and believe. The theological objection, then, often underestimates God’s patience and desire for all to come to salvation (2 Peter 3:9).

2. Scientific Objections: Critics argue that science leaves no room for supernatural events like the Second Coming. Many believe that modern science, with its emphasis on empirical evidence, contradicts the Bible’s claims about a divine future intervention. However, N.T. Wright reminds us that Christianity is not anti-science but rather speaks to truths beyond science’s empirical limits. “The universe is more than mere mechanics,” he writes, underscoring that faith explores questions of meaning, purpose, and eternity—realms science cannot fully address.

3. Historical Objections: Historically, some point out that Jesus’ return was expected by His earliest followers, and yet 2,000 years have passed. For some, this delay is viewed as evidence against the validity of the Christian hope. William Barclay suggests, however, that time from God’s perspective is different from ours. He notes that “with God, one day is as a thousand years,” referencing 2 Peter 3:8. The historical perspective shifts when we realize that God operates on an eternal timeline, extending beyond human understanding.

4. Political and Social Objections: Others argue that Christianity’s focus on a future hope makes believers less engaged in present political or social justice issues. Charles Spurgeon, however, argued that the Christian’s hope in the Second Coming should motivate us toward greater love and justice, not less. “The best way to be ready for the Lord’s coming is to be always doing His will,” he said. Far from encouraging passivity, the hope of Christ’s return should compel believers to live out God’s love and justice here and now.

Grounds for Christian Hope

Amidst objections and doubts, Christians hold fast to certain key grounds for hope, rooted in the promises and faithfulness of Christ Himself. This hope is not grounded in our own ability to see or understand but in the character and promises of God.

1. The Promises of Christ: Jesus gave clear promises of His return, stating that His coming would be unexpected, like a thief in the night (1 Thessalonians 5:2). This promise is not merely symbolic but an assurance of God’s intent to redeem and restore creation fully. Matthew Henry reminds us that “Christ is as surely coming as He has gone, and we are as surely to be judged by Him.” The promises of Christ give believers a reason to hope, knowing that God’s word does not return void (Isaiah 55:11).

2. The Faithfulness of God: Throughout Scripture, God’s faithfulness to His promises is evident, and the Second Coming is part of His consistent, unchanging character. “If we are faithless, He remains faithful, for He cannot deny Himself” (2 Timothy 2:13). This faithfulness assures us that God will fulfill His promises, just as He has done throughout history, from Abraham to the early church and to today. Eugene Peterson speaks of “a long obedience in the same direction” as an expression of this faith. We walk faithfully because we trust in a faithful God.

3. The Testimony of the Early Church: The apostles lived and preached in expectation of Jesus’ return, even facing persecution, imprisonment, and death. Their testimony, preserved in Scripture and tradition, speaks to the strength and certainty of their hope. As Alexander Maclaren writes, “The worth or worthlessness of a life is determined by the way in which it meets the uncertainty of the future.” The apostles’ lives give us a model of living for Christ with confidence and courage.

4. Faithful Witnesses in Every Generation: From martyrs to modern-day believers, countless lives testify to the hope and transformative power of Jesus’ promise to return. Charles Spurgeon reminds us that “Christ is coming,” urging us to live with that hope firmly fixed. Believers like Noah, who trusted in God’s word despite ridicule, remind us to have faith even when society doubts. Noah’s faith was not rooted in visible evidence but in trust in God’s voice and promise.

Living in Light of the Second Coming

The Second Coming calls Christians to live with a hope that both looks forward and engages fully in the present. Our hope is not passive; it is a call to love, serve, and honor Christ now, as we await His return. Just as Noah prepared despite others’ doubts, so are we called to live in faith and expectation. Eugene Peterson’s call for “a long obedience” reminds us that our journey is one of faithfulness, even when we face challenges or opposition.

N.T. Wright reminds us that the Second Coming should shape our actions now, calling us to lives of justice, kindness, and humility. Rather than escape the world, our hope in Christ’s return fuels our commitment to bring His Kingdom’s values here and now.


Lord Jesus, we thank You for the promise of Your return, which fills us with hope and purpose. In the face of doubts and objections, help us to hold fast to Your Word, trusting in Your promises and faithfulness. Strengthen our faith to live with courage, compassion, and readiness, that our lives may reflect Your Kingdom now as we await its fullness. Keep our hearts fixed on You, our Hope and our Redeemer. Amen.

Bible Verses that Support Christian Hope

“Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me… I will come back and take you to be with me.” – John 14:1-3

“For here we do not have an enduring city, but we are looking for the city that is to come.” – Hebrews 13:14

“Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.” – Hebrews 10:23

“But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ.” – Philippians 3:20

Soli Deo Gloria

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