Wednesday, October 02, 2024

How God’s Surprises Lead to Greater Joy

Embracing God’s Surprises in Life

Finding Hope in the Unexpected

Trusting the Unknown

As humans, we often form expectations about how our lives should unfold, what our future should look like, and how God should answer our prayers. But God’s ways are often radically different from our expectations, and His plans frequently shatter the molds we’ve created. The Bible is filled with stories of people whose expectations were broken, only to find that God’s plan far exceeded anything they could have imagined. From the lives of biblical figures to our own, the unexpected often leads to greater faith and transformation.

A Greater Purpose Than We Imagine

One of the most humbling aspects of faith is recognizing that God’s plans are greater than our limited perspectives. Proverbs 31:25 speaks of the virtuous woman who “laughs at the days to come.” This laughter is not born of ignorance or arrogance, but from a heart fully trusting in God’s unfolding plan, even when it veers from human expectations. She embraces a future that is in God’s hands, regardless of how it might diverge from her own plans.

As William Barclay once said, “The greatest thing is to live in God’s time, not in our time. To work in God’s time means that we know that, if we are faithful to Him, we will be ready when His time comes.” Barclay’s words remind us that God’s timing often interrupts our schedules, but His plans are always perfect. What might feel like a detour or disruption is, in reality, the divine reshaping of our lives into something far better than we had anticipated.

Finding God in the Unexpected

Eugene Peterson once wrote, “God cannot fit into our plans, we must fit into His.” This simple yet profound truth speaks to the heart of what it means to follow Christ: surrendering our expectations and trusting that God will lead us in ways we cannot foresee. When we cling too tightly to our own plans, we risk missing out on the unexpected blessings that God has in store.

Consider the story of Joseph, who faced betrayal, slavery, and imprisonment. Surely his expectations for life as a favored son didn’t include these trials. Yet, as Joseph’s story unfolds, we see how God used each broken expectation to position him for a greater purpose. Charles Spurgeon, reflecting on Joseph’s life, said, “God’s ways may seem dark, but they are always wise.” When our expectations shatter, it is often a divine invitation to trust in the wisdom of God’s overarching plan.

Expect the Unexpected

The Bible is filled with moments where God shatters human expectations. Take the story of the prophet Samuel anointing David as king. Samuel expected the next king of Israel to come from Jesse’s older, stronger sons. Yet God chose the youngest, David, a mere shepherd boy, to lead His people. Matthew Henry remarks on this moment, “God sees not as man sees; we judge by the outward appearance, but God looks on the heart.” The lesson here is clear: God’s criteria for leadership, success, and faithfulness are far different from ours. We may expect God to work in obvious ways, but He often surprises us with the unexpected.

Alexander Maclaren reflects similarly on the unexpected ways God works, saying, “When God means to bless us, He often takes away that on which we rely, in order that we may see Him better.” Sometimes the very expectations we hold on to can become obstacles to seeing God’s greater vision for our lives. When they are removed, we are freed to witness the fullness of His grace.

Embracing God’s Surprises

As believers, our call is not to predict or control the future but to embrace the surprises that God places in our path. Proverbs 31 reminds us that the woman of strength “laughs at the days to come” because she is not reliant on her own plans but trusts in God’s sovereignty. Similarly, we are called to release our need for control and welcome the unexpected as a tool for God’s refining work in us.

Eugene Peterson’s words ring true here: “The way of Jesus cannot be imposed or mapped — it requires an active participation in following, as He leads us through sometimes strange and unfamiliar territory, in circumstances that become clear only in the hesitations and questionings, in the pauses and reflections where we engage His presence.” When our expectations shatter, it often leads us into deeper fellowship with God, as we learn to trust Him in unfamiliar territory.

Conclusion: Trusting the God Who Exceeds Expectations

Shattered expectations can be painful, but they can also be moments of divine transformation. When God’s plans don’t match ours, it’s not because He has abandoned us, but because He is inviting us into something greater than we imagined. As Charles Spurgeon beautifully put it, “God is too good to be unkind, and He is too wise to be mistaken. And when we cannot trace His hand, we must trust His heart.”

May we learn to laugh at the days to come, just as the virtuous woman of Proverbs 31 does, knowing that God’s ways are higher than ours. And when our expectations fall apart, may we have the faith to trust that God is leading us into a future filled with His purpose, goodness, and grace.


Heavenly Father, thank You for the unexpected paths You place before me, even when they shatter my own plans. Help me to trust in Your wisdom and to embrace the surprises You bring, knowing that Your ways are always better. Grant me the courage to follow wherever You lead, with joy and faith in Your perfect plan. Amen.

Soli Deo Gloria

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