Friday, April 29, 2005

Memorial Rock

Growing up on a campus which is nestled in a kind of a valley surrounded by hills, we have a large number of rocks strewn all over the campus. Some of these are boulders. They have probably been there for centuries. Rock solid and strong, they have been there through storms and floods, through generations. At my elementary school there is a small natural rock formation in our small play area. Out of the boulders has grown a large tree. A symbol of perseverance and courage on rocky soil. We used to call it the base. When we played catch, if we could some how make it to base, we could still stay alive until we caught our breath and were ready to run to be chased by the one who was “it.”

Memories always come back, when I walk past that rock, I think of all my friends I used play with. Such a wonderful group of guys. I met my best friend there; we continue to be very close even today. There were times even many years after we grew up, I used to like to sit on the Base and just rest for a while. I thank God for my happy childhood. It’s been more than 10 years since I saw that rock. My sister’s daughters went to that school, they played on the rock. Recently I sent an email to my sister and she says the rock is still there.

When Joshua crossed the Jordan with the children of Israel, he told one member of each tribe to take a stone from the middle of the river Jordan and make a rock formation where they camp after crossing the Jordan. He also had them place 12 stones in the middle of the river where the priests who carried the ark stood as a memorial. It was going to be memorials of them crossing the Jordan which stopped flowing for them. Even though it was a season when normally the Jordan is overflowing, by divine intervention the waters ceased to flow to let the children of Israel through. A memorial on the sands of time that could be remembered even after much water has flowed over it. It was the divine intervention of their God of Grace that the waters of Jordan stopped flowing.

There are times we have also experienced the hand of God show us the path out of an impossible situation; we have to remember and be thankful. Do you find yourself too busy with things of this world that you have no time for God? This was a moment when the children of Israel were acknowledging God when there was the fear of an impending battle on the outside and the fears of inner doubts and conflicts that manifest themselves in forces from within. It was Joshua’s way of showing the people that it was God, who could stop the flooding waters of Jordan that was going to win the victory. Their hearts needed to be filled with the same spirit that brought them strength and courage that was in Joshua and Caleb.


Anonymous said...

Memorials monuments and rocks have meaning only for those who share and
recollect common heritage.Learn remember and be grateful

Anonymous said...

Very true. They stand as enduring symbols of remembrance and gratitude for divine interventions and memories that shaped our identity and faith.

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