Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Pure in Heart

Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God. 
Matthew 5: 8

Jesus one day put a child in his lap, and said, “Unless you become like a child, you cannot enter the kingdom of God.” A child’s heart is the embodiment of innocence. A child's heart needs to be loved and to love in turn. The child finds it easy to trust, obey, and love. A child’s heart is rarely weighed down with sorrow, hatred, anger, or jealousy. Do you still remember the innocent thoughts and feelings you had as a child? Have your thoughts matured for the better?

Purity of Heart is at the top rungs of the ladder where imitation of Christ comes naturally to us. Our hearts, minds and bodies are almost completely controlled by the Holy Spirit. When we show mercy, we sense the mercy of God purify our hearts. As the old hymn goes, “Are you washed in the soul cleansing blood of the lamb.” The disciples on the road to Emmaus sensed a burning in their heart when they were talking with Jesus. Do you sense a burning in your heart where the strongholds of Satan are being burnt down? 

Christ said “I am the light of the world”. Do you sense a bright light of illumination that comes and shows specific areas that need to be dealt with, to brighten our hearts? When our hearts are pure we sense the presence of the Holy Spirit living and moving within our hearts and minds. We can sense the springs of living water flowing out of our hearts making them pure from within. 

When Saul and his band of fanatics were persecuting and stoning to death many Christians, his group narrowed in on Stephen. In Stephen’s last sermon before he died he said, “I can see Jesus standing at the right hand of God”. He was basking under the glory of the love and mercy of Christ. Was Christ standing to receive Stephen into the Kingdom? Stephen when he was being stoned, said, “Lord receive my spirit. Do not hold this sin against them.” An echo of what was heard from the cross. It was the Spirit of Christ in him that made him forgive his persecutors and purity in heart that enabled him to see Christ. 

Do we see the image of God in people around us, irrespective of what race they belong to? Do we see Christ in them regardless of whether they are rich or poor? Do we see God working through people and situations leading us through the path he has set for us? We need lenses of love, which allow us to see only the good in people and filter out the bad, just like a good pair of sunglasses filters the harmful ultraviolet rays. When our lives are centered on Christ all that is impure and harmful will have no place in our hearts.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We love your posts. you have earned a rest but we hope you will continue
with more of your good insights

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