Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Peacemaker - Mediator

Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God. Jesus on the cross is a powerful image of one trying to make peace with God and man. 
Mathew 5:9 

In a world that mocked, beat and crucified Jesus, He looked up to heaven and pleaded with God the Father to forgive his oppressors. (Luke 23:34). “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do”:. Wasn’t this an appeal of a son to a father? Wasn’t this an appeal from a child to a parent? A peacemaker and a child of God. The sacrifice of Christ’s death on the cross, has made an irrevocable agreement with the Father and Son where all of mankind can make peace with God, being justified by faith (Romans 5:1). 

 As we survey the brutality of the act of Christ hanging from the cross, we realize the frailty of the human mind. We can kill with our hands and save a life with the same hands. We can love some humans and hate some others. We can love someone today and hate them equally tomorrow. Do you think God forgave Judas and the mob who crucified Christ? Do you think God forgave those who were standing around and mocking him? 

 Can we think of a more suitable mediator who loves God our Father and all of God’s children? Could God find a greater mediator than His only begotten son? Is there anyone who can come to Christ, and say that He doesn’t know what it means to suffer? Is there anyone who can come to Jesus and say He doesn’t know what it means to be poor and needy? 

 Formerly the high priest entered the holy of holies with the blood of a sacrificial lamb as atonement for the sins of the children of Israel. With the coming of Christ his sacrifice is viewed as the once and for all final sacrifice by God. Previously an earthly priest used to stand as mediator between God and his people for their sins, but now we have an everlasting high priest who is constantly pleading on our behalf with the father. (Hebrews 9:24-28) The role of Christ is seen as that of a mediator and high priest, who brings about peace between God and Man. (1 Timothy 2:5)

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